We will all end up working with others and actually at one time or another we’ll lead a group too, even if it’s a small one.
These questions may come in handy:
- Do you think volunteering is more fun than leading?
- What characterizes a good leader?
- How can someone better manage their time?
Be a techie, Be a Leader – but it won’t be easy! Whether you consider yourself a leader or not, here are some great ideas for all of us.
- Allow God to empower you in the ministry He places you in, then do it.
- Give it all you have! Know what He has called you to do and then be obedient to the best of your abilities – make the sacrifices you need to.
- Plan your schedule accordingly. Ministry, in general, takes a lot of time and effort and ministry in the arts might even be more demanding than others! Accept that this road isn’t easy, but we’re not called to take the easy road. We’re called to follow Jesus.
- Allow God to empower you in the ministry He places you in, then do it.
- Give it all you have! Know what He has called you to do and then be obedient to the best of your abilities – make the sacrifices you need to.
- Plan your schedule accordingly. Ministry, in general, takes a lot of time and effort and ministry in the arts might even be more demanding than others! Accept that this road isn’t easy, but we’re not called to take the easy road. We’re called to follow Jesus.
Some additional questions to ask yourself are:
- What kind of leader are you?
- What kind of leader do you best respond to?
Some examples of the types of leaders you may respond to:
- The Overly Demanding CEO
- The Overbearing Coach
- The Overly Protective Parent
- The Silent Type
Nurturing Techies:
How do we encourage each other?
- Be gentle and sensitive.
- Love them.
- Exhort them – urge them to flourish.
- Encourage them.
- Implore them – be truthful in order to bring out the best in talents, gifts, or in their lives and character.
- Be giving and demanding of each other.
- Serve others, but expect the most out of them too.
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